PERI supported Statom Group on this project. The climbing system offers time-saving operations, with the ability to move secure units comprising formwork and platforms in only one crane lift.

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    Merlata Bloom, Milano

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    Un centro polifunzionale di nuova concezione costruito in modo performante

    A nord-ovest della città di Milano, sta sorgendo il Merlata Bloom: un mall di nuova concezione composto da residenze, zone verdi, aree tecnologiche e dedicate al commercio. Quando sarà ultimato, questo progetto ospiterà 150 spazi per shopping, 5.000 m2 di mercato, diverse aree food e beverage, oltre 10.000 m2 di intrattenimento e 20.000 m2 di sky garden.
    PERI UP Flex
    PERI UP Flex
    PERI UP Flex

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    Condominio Teodosia di Torino

    Il Condominio Teodosia di Torino è il protagonista di un ambizioso intervento di riqualificazione edilizia in Italia: un edificio progettato nel 1971, con una superficie globale di circa 36.500 mq si sta convertendo da energeticamente inefficiente a “green”, utilizzando la agevolazione del Superbonus 110%.
    Il nuovo Ponte sul Polcevera di Genova
    Il Nuovo Ponte sul Polcevera
    Il nuovo Ponte sul Polcevera di Genova

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    Tempi di costruzione da record per il ponte della rinascita

    Il 2019 e il 2020 verranno ricordati nel mondo delle costruzioni per la realizzazione del nuovo viadotto sul Polcevera di Genova: un’infrastruttura fondamentale per la rinascita economica della città, a seguito dei tragici eventi dell’agosto del 2018, che hanno visto il crollo del Ponte Morandi. Per la sua costruzione, PERI ha fornito sistemi e soluzioni di casseforme all’avanguardia utilizzati per la realizzazione dei plinti di fondazione e per le imponenti pile in calcestruzzo armato.
    Al bauma 2019, PERI esibirà i suoi prodotti e servizi in un nuovo padiglione della mostra. I visitatori potranno iniziare a provare già da ora, l’emozione di ammirare i nuovi sviluppi e le innovazioni PERI - in una piacevole e originale atmosfera.
(Foto: PERI GmbH)
    Al bauma 2019, PERI fornirà indicazioni rispetto alla più avanzata tecnologia di stampa 3-D del calcestruzzo, accompagnandole con la presentazione di progetti di riferimento.
(Foto: PERI GmbH)

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    PERI al bauma 2019

    Durante la più importante fiera internazionale del settore, PERI esporrà a clienti e visitatori, innumerevoli nuovi aggiornamenti e sviluppi dei sistemi di casseforme e di impalcature. L’attenzione verrà riposta particolarmente sul tema delle innovazioni, delle integrazioni di sistema orientate alla pratica quotidiana, così come sugli ulteriori aggiornamenti di sviluppo che toccano una vasta area di applicazioni.
    PERI UP Flex Industrial Environment 2
    PERI UP Flex Industrial Environment 1

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    Partner affidabile nel cammino verso il mondo digitale

    Digitalisation is rapidly adding value to all aspects of construction, promising better planning and management of resources. By combining digital technology with its PERI UP scaffolding solution, PERI is enabling seamless operations and greater control for contractors on industrial construction sites.
    Il tool DUO Planner semplifica la progettazione di planimetrie semplici con impiego del sistema di cassaforma universale DUO, senza l’utilizzo di software complessi.
(Grafica: PERI GmbH)
    Con l’app PERI Extended Experience, è possibile la visualizzazione in 3D dei progetti in costruzione, anche su smartphone.
(Grafica: PERI GmbH)

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    Soluzioni Digitali PERI

    Al bauma verrà presentato un esaustivo portfolio digitale di product-supporting app di grande utilità nelle operazioni quotidiane, così come nuove soluzioni CAD, il portale myPERI e sofisticate soluzioni all’interno di progetti di successo, realizzati grazie all’impiego del sistema BIM ("Building Information Modelling”).
    Progetti PERI - Stazione AV/AC, Napoli Afragola
    Stazione AV/AC Napoli Afragola: per dare forma alla particolare architettura, gli ingegneri della filiale italiana di PERI hanno studiato per l’impresa esecutrice una soluzione completa ed economicamente conveniente, comprendente la scelta, la progettazione e la fornitura di pannelli di rivestimento e casseforme standard e personalizzate
    Progetti PERI, stazione AV/AC Napoli Afragola - 19.000 m² di solai in cemento armato, 16.500 m² di pareti a facciavista, 10.000 m² di pareti standard: sono questi i numeri dell’opera

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    Soluzioni PERI per la nuova porta del Sud

    La nuova stazione ferroviaria di Napoli Afragola, progettata dall’architetto anglo-irachena Zaha Hadid, è concepita come una struttura a ponte che sovrasta e collega i binari. Per rispondere alle esigenze di un progetto articolato e soddisfare l’elevata qualità di finitura dei getti, l’impresa esecutrice ha studiato insieme a PERI una soluzione completa ed economicamente conveniente con sistemi di casseforme standard e personalizzati.
    Progetti PERI, Tunnel sulla State Route 99, USA - Per le operazioni di armo e disarmo del solaio sono stati utilizzati dispositivi idraulici. Gli stessi sono serviti anche per la movimentazione dei carri traslabili, con conseguente accelerazione dei lavori
    Progetti PERI, Tunnel sulla State Route 99, USA - La vista da nord verso l’entrata sud, già completata, del tunnel
    Progetti PERI, tunnel sulla State Route 99, Seattle: il tunnel, scavato con un diametro di circa 17,5 m, ospiterà al suo interno una strada a due piani. La soletta del tunnel e le pareti su cui appoggia sono costruite grazie a casseforme traslabili progettate da PERI. (Rendering: Dipartimento dei Trasporti, Washington State)

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    Casseforme traslabili PERI al seguito di una delle frese meccaniche più grandi del mondo

    In corso la costruzione di un tunnel di 3,2 km che sostituirà il viadotto Alaskan Way, una delle principali arterie di Seattle, attraversata ogni giorno da ben 110.000 veicoli. PERI ha progettato su misura e consegnato le casseforme traslabili impiegate per armare la carreggiata a due piani, realizzata in tre fasi di getto subito dopo lo scavo del tunnel.
    Progetti PERI - Il castello di Neuschwanstein è uno dei luoghi più famosi dalla Germania, capace di attrarre ogni anno 1,5 milioni di turisti da tutto il mondo
    Progetti PERI - Nella parte est del Castello, il portale d’ingresso è completamente avvolto da ponteggi PERI UP Flex e coperto da una struttura temporanea
    Castello di Neuschwanstein | Füssen, Innovazione PERI: il ponteggio è coperto da teloni riscaldabili che impediscono alla neve di accumularsi

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    Un restauro a prova d'inverno

    Per il restauro del portale d’ingresso del castello di Neuschwanstein, impalcature di servizio e paramenti di protezione sono stati realizzati con il sistema modulare PERI UP Flex. Per la prima volta, sono stati impiegati teli di copertura riscaldabili per impedire la formazione di carichi di neve.
    Il gruppo dirigente di PERI GmbH: il dott. Fabian Kracht (direttore Finanze e Organizzazione), Alexander Schwörer (direttore Marketing e Vendite) e Leonhard Braig (direttore Prodotti e Tecnologie)
    Un ottimo avvio per il 2016: durante il bauma a Monaco, la più importante fiera di settore al mondo, il padiglione allestito da PERI ha ospitato circa 175.000 visitatori. Tra i nuovi prodotti, grande attenzione ha riscosso la cassaforma universale leggera in polimero tecnico PERI DUO
    I 44 piani della Torre Generali si avvitano con eleganza nel cielo di Milano. Per realizzare questo progetto di Zaha Hadid è stata adottata una complessa soluzione incentrata su casseforme a ripresa PERI

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    Crescere ancora, in tutto il mondo

    Prodotti innovativi e maggiore capacità produttiva sono attesi da PERI per il nuovo anno.
    The parapet track is mounted to the bridge underside by means of rails and rollers. The bridge is freely accessible; traffic is unhindered.
    With parapet carriages, horizontal loads are completely transferred via friction; anchoring is not required.
    The cantilever parapet bracket with a closed working platform is the optimal solution for refurbishment projects but can also be used for new structures.

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    Construction of cantilevered parapets for new bridge constructions and bridge refurbishment

    In the coming years, an increased need for new buildings and refurbishment of bridges can be expected in Germany. As a result, the number of cantilevered parapets to be realized will also increase. For their removal and construction, bracket scaffolds are normally used which are anchored to the structure. During the planning phase, the construction site situation must be properly assessed and a suitable bracket scaffold selected, including the anchoring, in order to minimize risks and costs as well as avoiding any construction delays. PERI offers a closed system consisting of brackets and anchors that enhances planning reliability and work safety which ultimately results in cost savings.
    Lo Storto, la futura sede amministrativa del Gruppo Generali
    Il grattacielo a spirale di Zaha Hadid
    Paramento di protezione e casseforme a ripresa

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    Il grattacielo a spirale di Zaha Hadid

    Il Dritto, lo Storto e il Curvo: sono soprannominati così i tre grattacieli milanesi di Piazza Tre Torri, cuore dell’ambizioso progetto di riqualificazione urbana CityLife. 
    PERI ha contribuito al progetto del secolo consegnando ingenti quantità di casseforme e impalcature per l'ampliamento del canale di Panama
    Ampliamento Canale di Panama - L'elemento fondamentale della soluzione PERI è il nuovo sistema di ripresa SCS, semplice da utilizzare e capace di sostenere carichi elevati
    Ampliamento Canale di Panama, soluzione PERI - Il sistema SCS è stato utilizzato anche per costruire elementi strutturali inclinati. Le passerelle di servizio SCS consentono un'inclinazione pari a ±15° e ± 30°, per permettere al personale di cantiere di operare sempre in sicurezza.

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    Inaugurazione del progetto del secolo

    Terminata la costruzione della seconda via navigabile più importante del mondo, la commessa più grande di tutta la storia PERI. Dalla fine di giugno 2016 anche le grandi navi portacontainer possono percorrere i circa 80 km del Canale di Panama che collega il Pacifico all’Atlantico.
    Product Manager, Helmut Baechle (PERI Weissenhorn), Marketing Coordinator, Stéphanie Derouet, and the Manager of the Technical Office Thierry Chancibot (both PERI France) are highly delighted with the prize.
    The DUO Formwork System celebrated its world premiere in Munich at the international trade fair, bauma 2016. The innovative product made a very convincing case with its very light system components as well as easy handling. In addition, the system components can be used for forming walls, columns and slabs.
    DUO is the new system formwork which is characterized by its low weight and very simple handling. The innovative feature is not only the material used but also the entire concept: efficient forming using only a minimum number of different system components for walls, foundations, columns and slabs.

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    Gold for the innovative, versatile DUO System Formwork

    The innovative PERI DUO Formwork System recently received a very special award: communications specialists, SAGERET, one of the major providers of industry information in France, presented this important prize for the very first time.
    Dubai Frame, Emirati Arabi Uniti: la soluzione di casseforme a ripresa PERI ha abbinato ad hoc per questo progetto tre diverse varianti del sistema autosollevante ACS alle casseforme a travi per pareti VARIO e alle casseforme a telaio TRIO.
    Progetto PERI: Dubai Frame, Emirati Arabi Uniti
    Progetto PERI: Dubai Frame, Emirati Arabi Uniti

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    Climbing formwork solution for angular geometry of a gigantic frame

    An exceptional, walk-in work-of-art structure has been created in the capital of the Dubai emirate: a huge frame whose glass crosspiece provides visitors with a spectacular view. For realizing this building assignment, PERI formed a project team comprised of climbing and formwork specialists. From the very beginning through to the end, they supported the complex shell construction with precisely matched execution solutions. As a result, the angular core geometry could be realized within the very tight dimensional tolerances; in addition, 30 days construction time could be saved.
    PERI employees - user of the BIM software
    BIM in use for the Filstal Bridge
    During bauma 2016, Alexander Dobrindt, Federal Minister for Transport and Digital Infrastructure, visited the PERI stand (shown here with Christl Schwörer and Alexander Schwörer)

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    Planning software and BIM applications for formwork and scaffolding technology

    For many years now, the PERI portfolio has included software for the planning of application solutions with PERI systems. PERI CAD planning software is used worldwide by both PERI engineers as well as contractors, and is being continuously further developed and refined. In addition, the formwork and scaffolding provider has been intensively involved in the current trend of Building Information Modeling (BIM).
    DUO celebrated its world premiere at the international trade fair bauma 2016 in Munich. The innovative product convinces thanks to very lightweight system components and a design focussed on simple application. Furthermore, system components can be used for forming walls, columns and slabs.
    The PERI Group Management announced a 13 % increase in turnover at the start of 2016 compared to the previous year: 7,700 employees worldwide generated a turnover totalling EUR 1.3 billion. Pictured from left: Dr Fabian Kracht (Managing Director Finance and Organisation), Alexander Schwörer (Managing Director Sales and Marketing) and Leonhard Braig (Managing Director Product and Technology).
    The launch event of the PERI subsidiary in Tanzania (f.l.t.r.): Theunis Visser, PERI Business Development South Africa; Johan Issack M. Peter, Director of Innovation, National Housing Corporation Tanzania; and Giuseppe Rosiello, Managing Director PERI Tanzania.

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    International Industry Leader comes to Tanzania

    Tanzania was quickly identified as a key location for expansion in Southern Africa. The stable political landscape, a favourable geographic location and forecasted growth provide an optimum environment for the establishment of PERI Formwork and Scaffolding Ltd. in Dar es Salaam.
    Progetti PERI "Ponte sull'Ohio "East End Crossing", Louisville, USA": Una perfetta combinazione tra i sistemi di casseforme a ripresa e impalcature di sostegno ha permesso di realizzare rapidamente i due piloni del ponte a forma complessa, rispettando le tolleranze dimensionali e i tempi prestabiliti
    Progetti PERI - Ponte sull'Ohio "East End Crossing", Louisville, USA - Torri di sostegno a portata elevata e travi reticolari del sistema modulare VARIOKIT costituivano la struttura portante per armare la traversa a livello della carreggiata
    Progetti PERI "Ponte sull'Ohio "East End Crossing", Louisville, USA" - Assistenza continua al cantiere e servizio di progettazione competente: la soluzione PERI prevedeva anche una passerella di collegamento tra i due ritti dei piloni

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    Climbing formwork and shoring solution for complex bridge pylons

    The almost 90 m high pylons for a new cable‑stayed bridge across the Ohio River are characterized by their complex shapes and massive legs and cross beams. PERI provided a comprehensive overall concept for its construction – consisting of a planning solution with perfectly matched formwork, climbing, shoring and scaffolding systems along with extensive on‑site support. With this PERI solution, the construction crew were able to realize the two bridge pylons in Louisville within the specified construction period and with low dimension tolerances.
    Msheireb Metro Station, Doha
    Msheireb Metro Station, Doha, project-specific formwork and shoring concept
    Msheireb Metro Station, Doha, complex structural geometry

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    Inner-city major construction site at a depth of 40 m

    PERI engineers supported the fast construction progress of the Msheireb Station, the key element of Doha's new metro system, with an individually tailored system concept and continuous on-site support.
    PERI exhibition tent at bauma 2016
    bauma 2016: PERI exhibition hall
    bauma 2016: PERI formwork technology at a glance

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    bauma 2016: An outstanding success for PERI

    At the 32nd Edition of the World´s Leading Trade Fair for Construction Machinery, Building Material Machines, Mining Machines, Construction Vehicles and Construction Equipment, around 175,000 visitors were recorded at PERI´s specially erected exhibition hall. The biggest attractions featured a number of interesting innovations: DUO Universal Formwork, SKYMAX Slab Formwork and the ACS Core 400 Core Climbing Formwork. PERI Managing Director, Alexander Schwörer, confirmed: "For us, bauma 2016 was a great success, and we are very satisfied with the positive feedback as well as the high quality of the fair visitors."
    The new PERI UP scaffolding system is a "lightweight" among steel facade scaffoldings, and, in addition, it provides a high level of safety in the system: the guardrail for the next level is installed together with the Easy* Frame from the lower scaffolding level without requiring any additional components.
    Both the combi decking with a 66 cm width as well as the 33 cm wide steel decks are designed with the integrated lock against lift off. They can be removed at any time. Without exception, all decking covers the entire system width; there are no gaps between the decks.
    With PERI UP Easy*, internal and external corners are executed quickly and with very few system components.

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    PERI Scaffolding Technology at bauma 2016

    Reports about new products for the target group of scaffolding contractors and industrial companies
    For complex projects in civil engineering bridge construction, e.g. balanced cantilever solutions, PERI now provides even better support for its customers.
    Especially for use in high-rise building cores with medium to large dimensions, PERI has developed a core self-climbing formwork with a very high load-bearing capacity, all-round safety features and a continuous climbing procedure.
    With the type-tested VARIOKIT Cantilevered Parapet Bracket and an appropriate anchoring, PERI now provides a closed solution for parapet refurbishment.

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    PERI Engineering Construction at bauma 2016

    Information about new products for the target group of engineering companies (bridge and tunnel construction; climbing technology)
    DUO is the new system formwork which is characterized by its low weight and very simple handling. The innovative feature is not only the material used but also the entire concept: efficient forming using only a minimum number of different system components for walls, foundations, columns and slabs.
    The assembly steps are easy to understand, less experienced users of system formwork can also work quickly and efficiently with DUO.
    Versatility is the special advantage of the system. The panels can be utilised for forming walls, columns and slabs.

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    PERI Formwork and Scaffolding Technology at bauma

    Information on new products for the target group of contractors in building construction; reports about new formwork systems as well as shoring solutions and the weather protection roof
    PERI al bauma 2016
    I risultati del Gruppo PERI nel 2015
    Le nuove applicazioni PERI per la configurazione dei sistemi e l’ottimizzazione dei materiali in cantiere

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    Le migliori soluzioni per casseforme e impalcature

    Dall’11 al 17 aprile 2016, PERI presenterà le ultime novità nell’ambito delle casseforme e delle impalcature. I riflettori puntati su innovazioni, integrazioni di sistemi già esistenti e miglioramenti pratici, pensati per diverse applicazioni e tipologie di clienti.
     Progetti PERI - Alon Towers "BSR Center TLV", Tel Aviv, Israele
    PROGETTI PERI - Alon Towers "BSR Center TLV", Tel Aviv, Israele - Progettazione e fornitura di 3 sistemi di ripresa perfettamente integrati
    Progetti PERI - Alon Towers "BSR Center TLV", Tel Aviv, Israele - piattaforma di ripresa autosollevante ACS P e cassaforma sospesa DOMINO

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    Climbing systems cost-effectively matched to one another

    For a cost-effective execution solution, PERI´s Israeli engineers combined several climbing system variants. The system concept was perfectly matched with the climbing formwork and protection panels as well as exactly meeting construction site requirements.
    A portrait of Dr. Fabian Kracht, director of Finances and Organisation at PERI GmbH and responsible for Human Resources.

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    Germany's best employers in 2016

    German family-owned companies stand for long-term relationships, strong personalities and established products. PERI was named “Germany's best employers in 2016 – top 100” in a nationwide survey conducted by the news magazine Focus, which has now been published. PERI was voted number 7 in the group “Production and processing of materials and building materials, metals and paper” industry.
    Formwork solution with system components of VARIOKIT Engineering Construction Kit
    Expansion of the European Route E6 in Norway
    The VARIOKIT cantilevered carriage from PERI: flexible Solution with fast assembly

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    PERI balanced cantilever solution ensures optimized workloads

    In the course of the European Route E6 expansion in Norway, the plans include a 320 m long bridge which spans the Gudbrandsdalen Lågen river. For the bridge superstructure, PERI civil engineering technology experts developed a balanced cantilevered solution based on the VARIOKIT Engineering Construction Kit.
    The new production facility will complement the main factory in Weissenhorn and expand the PERI capacities in scaffolding.
    PERI Management: Dr. Fabian Kracht, Alexander Schwörer, Leonhard Braig - production capacity for scaffolding systems

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    PERI expands its production capacities for scaffolding systems

    The Weissenhorn-based company PERI has announced the purchase of the Silvergreen site in Günzburg. The new location will complement the main plant in Weissenhorn as the expansion possibilities there are very limited.
    bauma is the most important trade fair for the construction industry. Every three years, the industry meets in Munich for a show of strength and informs an expert audience about the latest developments.
    Especially for markets with colder climates, PERI has developed the MXH Formwork System.
    The app offers the best possibilities to optimize the slab formwork regarding the component needs.

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    Best problem-solving expertise in formwork and scaffolding

    From 11th to 17th April 2016 in a 4,200 m² exhibition hall in the Open-Air Area North, PERI will be presenting the very latest formwork and scaffolding technology. The focus is on a range of innovations, practical system enhancements as well as further developments for different applications and target groups.
    Progetti PERI, Raffineria Northwest Redwater, Edmonton, Canada - Il primo dei tre nuovi impianti entrerà in funzione dall'autunno del 2017
    Progetti PERI - A nord-est di Edmonton, nell'Alberta, sorge la raffineria di sabbie bituminose più moderna del mondo: dal 2013 è in corso la costruzione di tre nuovi impianti su una superficie di 2 km²
    Raffineria NWR a Edmonton, Canada - Oltre all'impiego di PERI UP, con i relativi vantaggi in termini di montaggio e sicurezza, un altro fattore determinante nella riduzione di tempi e costi è il servizio di consulenza in loco dei tecnici PERI

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    High level of safety and increased efficiency in industrial scaffolding

    The PERI UP scaffolding system along with the integration of 3D scaffold planning at an early stage has reduced the time and cost factor while simultaneously increasing safety levels for the construction of an industrial plant in Canada.
    Christian Jakob and André Pöbel, Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Mosbach
    The finalists came from universities in Germany and Austria and presented their solutions at the end of November in the PERI training centre in Weissenhorn in front of a large audience and jury of industry experts.

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    Expert jury determines winners of the 10th PERI student competition

    Through participation in the Construction Exercise, PERI offers educational institutions providing construction-related courses not only the opportunity to gain valuable experience with a specific practical approach but also win attractive cash prizes.
    Progetti PERI, SNFCC, Atene - Impalcature di servizio antisismiche per il nuovo simbolo di Atene
    Progetti PERI - Centro culturale SNFCC, Atene, Grecia – Panoramica del cantiere
    Progetti PERI - Centro culturale SNFCC - Pareti alte fino a 32 m in calcestruzzo faccia a vista di ottima qualità delimitano la collina artificiale inserita nel parco

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    Earthquake-proof shoring solution for new iconic structure in Athens

    Not far from the Faliro bay in Athens, the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center (SNFCC) is being realized based on a design by star architect, Renzo Piano. PERI is supporting the construction of this extraordinary project with a comprehensive formwork and scaffolding solution which includes continuous on-site supervision along with a matching logistics concept for managing the enormous amount of materials.
    PERI Weather Protection Roof - mounting a girder segment
    PERI protection roof - Lifting of a girder segment with the crane
    The PERI protection roof opened for construction work with the concrete pump

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    Safe access to weather protection roof – no PPE against falling required

    For the LGS Weather Protection Roof from the extensive PERI product portfolio, a fast and reliable solution for safe working on roof girders is now also available: a walkway along the girder whereby the use of personal protective equipment against falling is no longer required.
    Ristrutturazione con sistemi PERI: la soluzione del progetto, fatta su misura, si basava su due sistemi di impalcature di servizio PERI combinabili tra loro: VARIOKIT e PERI UP
    Progetti PERI, ristrutturazione dell'Hotel Le Royal: piattaforma a sbalzo per accelerare la ristrutturazione
    Progetti PERI di ristrutturazioni, hotel Le Royal a Lussemburgo: trasferimento all'esterno di componenti voluminosi mediante guide RCS e carrelli del sistema PERI UP

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    Cantilevered system combination for refurbishment measures

    Cantilevered platforms have accelerated the complete renovation of a luxury hotel in Luxembourg. The customized project solution was based on two compatible PERI modular construction systems: VARIOKIT and PERI UP.
    Progetti PERI - PERI ha fornito una soluzione completa - comprensiva di casseforme, impalcature, servizi logistici e tecnici - per la costruzione della diga alta 108 m sul fiume Tua, in Portogallo
    Progetti PERI - Diga Foz Tua, Portogallo: sistema di ripresa SCS
    La soluzione PERI per la diga Foz Tua, Portogallo

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    Elaborate engineering services for an imposing dam

    PERI devised and supplied an optimised and safe formwork and scaffolding solution for construction of the Foz Tua Dam and the associated pumped-storage power station. The PERI specialists supported the construction firm, Barragem de Foz Tua, ACE, to ensure the build was completed on schedule and with precision, providing an elaborate concept, as well as logistical and technical services.
    Progetti PERI - Panoramica del cantiere "Castello "Humboldt Forum", Berlino, Germania"
    Progetti PERI - "Humboldt Forum" Castello, Berlino, Germania
    Progetto PERI - Castello "Humboldt Forum" Berlino - Un unico fornitore per casseforme e impalcature

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    Formwork and scaffolding from one source for Berlin´s City Palace

    For the reconstruction of Berlin´s City Palace, PERI supplied cost-effective formwork and scaffolding solutions from one source. In addition to providing large quantities of wall, column and slab formwork with fast shuttering and moving times as well as flexibly used scaffolding materials, the on-site support provided by the PERI engineers ensured that all requirements could be fulfilled along with maintaining the tight construction schedule.
    Importer of the year 2014 - PERI Ukraine
    PERI Ukraine has been presented with two awards

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    In recognition of its consistently high level of operational performance throughout 2014, PERI Ukraine has been presented with two awards: BEST SUPPLIER 2014 and IMPORTER OF THE YEAR 2014.
    Progetti PERI- Le tre torri all'interno dell'ambizioso progetto di riqualificazione urbana "Bangaroo South" nell'area portuale di Sydney
    Barangaroo South, Sydney - With the Barangaroo Point Reserve (North), Central Barangaroo and Barangeroo South sub-projects, Sydney´s city centre is being expanded westwards by an impressive 22 hectares. In the foreground is the three ITS high-rise towers are rising steadily upwards; in the background is the famous Sydney Opera House with its distinctive roof structure.
    Progetti PERI - International Towers Sydney, Barangaroo Sud, Australia - Più di 700 m lineari di pannelli LPS

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    Construction time optimisation through comprehensive working safety and crane-independent climbing

    The new LPS climbing protection panel from PERI provides comprehensive working safety and saves valuable crane time thanks to the mobile climbing hydraulics. This has accelerated construction progress on the International Towers Sydney complex on Australia's east coast.
    PERI Press Release: Completion now within reach: flooding of a canal section Expansion of the Panama Canal

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    Completion now within reach: flooding of a canal section

    With the flooding of a canal section in June 2015, tests have begun in readiness for the scheduled opening of the expansion project in 10 months time. Since 2011, PERI has delivered around 1,100 containers of formwork and scaffolding materials to Panama. Once again, the company has demonstrated its superb service capabilities as well as ability to deliver – in this particular case through the excellent teamwork of several subsidiaries.
    Progetti PERI - Centro visitatori Lascaux IV, Montignac, Francia: ottima qualità della finitura superficiale del calcestruzzo è dovuta all'impiego dei moduli di cassaforma a telaio TRIO
    Progetti PERI - Centro visitatori Lascaux IV, Montignac, Francia - Utilizzo del sistema di casseforme a travi per pareti VARIO GT 24
    Progetti PERI: Centro visitatori Lascaux IV, Montignac, Francia - Soluzioni modulari per la sicurezza

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    Replica of a cave from the Paleolithic Age realised in the original form with PERI

    The museum complex is dedicated to showcasing cave paintings with the central feature being a complete replica of the "Lascaux 4" cave. PERI has supported the project by providing an overall concept comprised of detailed technical preparation, absolute safe formwork solution and continuous consultation.
    PERI press release - special formwork
    PERI press release - special formwork
    PERI press release - special formwork

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    Formwork in every shape and dimension – even faster with the new CNC system

    PERI is keeping pace with this trend: with individual formwork solutions, the formwork and scaffold expert ensures that complicated designs become reality. In order to increase the required capacity at the Weissenhorn formwork assembly plant, a second state-of-the-art CNC timber processing facility started operations in the spring of 2014.
    PERI press release - PERI accompanies the construction sector for Industry 4.0 integration - 5D Conference, Konstanz, Germany
    PERI press release - PERI accompanies the construction sector for Industry 4.0 integration - 5D Conference, Konstanz, Germany
    PERI press release - PERI accompanies the construction sector for Industry 4.0 integration - 5D Conference, Konstanz, Germany

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    PERI accompanies the construction sector for Industry 4.0 integration

    PERI and other companies in the construction industry are becoming increasingly involved with the issue of "Building Information Modelling" (BIM), the all-embracing project planning in five dimensions. At the third 5D conference in Konstanz, Germany, the trend towards BIM was adopted and welcomed as the new standard.
    Viaduct Krakow-Płaszow Railway Junction - Customized solution through the flexible and modular adaptability of the system.
    Viaduct Krakow-Płaszow Railway Junction - The safety was guaranteed through the compatibility with the PERI UP modular scaffolding.
    Viaduct Krakow-Płaszow Railway Junction - Construction of the 252 m long crossing over the Krakow-Plaszow railway junction was carried out using 4 VARIOKIT cantilevered construction carriages.

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    Cost-effective cable stay bridge construction with VARIOKIT balanced cantilever equipment

    The current expansion of the Krakow metropolitan railway network (KST) requires, among other things, crossing of the Krakow-Plaszow railway junction. Ensuring that daily rail operations remained unaffected during the construction of the 252 m long crossing was a prerequisite which meant the general contractor decided in favour of the cantilevered construction method for realizing the extradosed bridge with its hollow box cross-section.
    Within a 2-3 year period, a total of 86,400 flights are simulated which is three times the expected service life. The PERI UP working scaffold allows test preparations as well as continuous measurement and inspection work to be carried out during the EF-2 testing phase.
    PERI provided the scaffolding solution for the second endurance test.
    Ideal system combination: PERI UP, RCS climbing rails, VARIOKIT engineering construction kit

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    Modular, combinable, adaptable: Testing for Take-Off with PERI UP

    As an essential prerequisite for the approval of the Airbus A350 XWB, the IABG Industrieanlagen-Betriebsgesellschaft mbH has carried out an extensive range of tests on the new wide-bodied aircraft at its testing facility in Erding. With the scaffolding solution from PERI, optimal adaptation of the working levels for the fuselage and wings was achieved.
    PERI press release - Competent handling of renovation work with project-specific solutions - Formwork and scaffolding technology for existing buildings
    PERI press release - Competent handling of renovation work with project-specific solutions - Formwork and scaffolding technology for existing buildings
    PERI press release - Competent handling of renovation work with project-specific solutions - Formwork and scaffolding technology for existing buildings

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    Competent handling of renovation work with project-specific solutions

    Construction work on existing buildings frequently places high demands on clients, planners and building contractors. The entire planning procedure as well as the equipment to be used must be adapted to match the project-specific characteristics of the structure and, in particular, the constructional environment. With a wide range of products and their sophisticated use, PERI succeeds in finding the most suitable and cost-effective solution for each of the upcoming tasks.
    Progetti PERI - JKG Tower, Jalan Raja Laut, Kuala Lumpur, Malesia: soluzione completa per casseforme, impalcature di sostegno e formazione del team in cantiere
    Progetti PERI - JKG Tower, Jalan Raja Laut, Kuala Lumpur - Paramento di protezione a ripresa RCS
    JKG Tower, Jalan Raja Laut, Kuala Lumpur - The RCS landing platform is integrated in the climbing formwork solution. Loads are temporarily stored on the landing platform as well as being moved from here into the other storeys.

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    Working faster due to safer conditions

    For the construction of the JKG Tower high-rise building complex – consisting of a 32-storey office tower along with a 13-storey parking facility – safety has been given the highest priority. As a result, the PERI formwork and shoring solution has also included, among other things, a corresponding training programme for the construction team.
    Leonhard Braig will be responsible for the areas of product management, product technology, development, procurement, production and logistics.

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    Leonhard Braig appointed Managing Director at PERI

    Weissenhorn, 25 March 2015. Leonhard Braig (46) has been named Head of Products & Technology at PERI GmbH effective as of mid-April 2015. He will be responsible for the areas of product management, product technology, development, procurement, production and logistics.
    Progetti PERI - Con i suoi 144 m di lunghezza e 23 m di larghezza, "Place des Martyrs" è una delle più grandi stazioni metropolitane del mondo
    Per realizzare la stazione "Place des Martyrs" della metropolitana di Algeri è stata impiegata la cassaforma traslabile con meccanismo idraulico basata sul sistema modulare PERI VARIOKIT
    Metro extension, Algiers - Shuttering and stripping is done hydraulically on the VARIOKIT tunnel formwork carriage. It is also based on rentable system components and can be rapidly assembled and adapted by means of standardized bolted connections.

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    Tunnel formwork with record-breaking dimensions

    With a length of 144 m and a width approaching 23 m, the "Place de Martyrs" metro station boasts some very impressive dimensions. In addition, the entire 1.7 km long extension of the Algiers metro system runs under historic ground. For this project, an international team of PERI engineers designed economically optimized tunnel formwork solutions, tailored to meet the varying requirements.
    Scultura di Pegaso, Miami, USA - Con la soluzione PERI UP è stato possibile assemblare e saldare sul posto più di 1.000 elementi in bronzo.
    Sistema di impalcatura modulare PERI UP Rosett Flex per scultura di Pegaso, Miami, USA
    Scultura Pegaso, Miami: sistema PERI UP adattato in modo flessibile alla forma della scultura di bronzo

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    Imponente puzzle in 3D su impalcature di sostegno PERI UP

    Per la costruzione della straordinaria scultura in bronzo di Pegaso a Miami, PERI UP Rosett Flex ha fornito condizioni di lavoro ottimali. Il sistema di impalcatura modulare ha dimostrato ancora una volta la sua flessibilità e versatilità, adattandosi alla complessa geometria con incrementi dimensionali fino a 25 cm.
    PERI press release - PERI India won the EPC World Media, Ernst & Young and Zee Business Group Award 2014 - Honoured for excellence in India Infrastructure and Construction Industry

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    PERI India won the EPC World Media, Ernst & Young and Zee Business Group Award 2014

    PERI India has been honoured with the EPC World, Ernst & Young and Zee Business Group Awards 2014 being an “Outstanding Company in Formwork and Scaffolding Sector”. The award was handed over on 18th of December 2014 in New Delhi.
    Mausoleo del Martirio, Michniów - Museo dalla forme di una tradizionale abitazione polacca che si disgrega gradualmente
    Mausoleo del Martirio Michniów - Torri MULTIPROP e componenti del sistema VARIOKIT a noleggio
    Mausoleo del Martirio, Michniów - Pareti inclinate con elementi TRIO

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    Sistemi di casseforme PERI per un'architettura complessa

    Nato per commemorare un eccidio di massa, rappresenta lo sgretolarsi di una tipica abitazione polacca ed è caratterizzata da numerosi disallineamenti, superfici inclinate e da una marcata impronta lignea sulle superfici in calcestruzzo. Per realizzare il progetto, PERI ha fornito una soluzione in cui è stata ridotta al minimo la quantità di elementi speciali.
    Mur Bridge Frohnleiten - For the construction of the Mur Bridge near Frohnleiten, the new VARIOKIT heavy-duty truss from PERI has set new standards in shoring operations.
    Mur Bridge Frohnleiten - For transferring the heavy loads over the almost 40 m span, the truss arrangement and spacings can be flexibly determined using a metric grid configuration.
    Mur Bridge Frohnleiten - Modular shoring assembly: VARIOKIT system components were pre-assembled on the ground to form truss segments and placed into intermediate storage with the crane. Three such segments were subsequently coupled to create a 37 m long truss unit and lifted over the Mur by means of a mobile crane.

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    Large-spanned trusses with high load-bearing capacity and low deadweight

    For construction of the Mur Bridge, the new PERI VARIOKIT lattice girder system is being used for the first time in Austria. This is characterized by its extremely high load-bearing capacity with a comparably low weight; in addition, the system components can be quickly installed and have a very flexible use.
    Il Bosco Verticale, Milano, Italia, la soluzione per le casseforme e le impalcature elaborata da PERI
    Il Bosco Verticale disegnato da Stefano Boeri, la soluzione per le casseforme e le impalcature elaborata da PERI
    Il Bosco Verticale, Milano - Soluzione PERI con paramenti di protezione RCS

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    Bosco Verticale, il grattacielo più bello

    Il complesso residenziale „Bosco Verticale“, costruito con tecnologia PERI, ha ricevuto il premio come edificio alto più bello del mondo, scalzando ben 800 grattacieli di tutti i continenti.
    PERI press release - PERI and PyraTec sign cooperation agreement

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    Full-face surface repair for PERI Pave production pallets

    After successful tests had been carried out with PERI Pave recently, PERI decided to cooperate closely with PyraTec in future: as a result, the specialist company will now take on the sustainable renovation of PERI production pallets with immediate effect – whilst taking into account the high PERI quality standards.
    Progetti PERI - Per realizzare la struttura complessa del "Museo del Domani", PERI ha progettato, prodotto e consegnato oltre 3.500 moduli di casseforme personalizzate
    Progetti PERI, Museum del Domani a Rio de Janeiro - Progetto di Santiago Calatrava
    Progetto PERI - Museo del Domani, Rio de Janeiro - Unità di cassaforma VARIOKIT e progettate in 3D da un team internazionale di specialisti PERI, sostentute dall'impalcatura PERI UP e ponteggi di servizio

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    Trend-setting forming

    A customized PERI formwork and scaffolding solution with 3,500 project-specific special formwork elements ensured that the realization of an extraordinary museum was carried out within the specified time-frame and budget.
    Progetti PERI - Il terzo ponte sul Bosforo, completato nel 2015, è caratterizzato da piloni più alti del mondo realizzati con ACS
    Progetti PERI, terzo ponte sul Bosforo, Istanbul - Il sistema di ripresa autosollevante ACS e le casseforme a travi per pareti VARIO GT 24, impiegati per la costruzione dei piloni, hanno consentito di lavorare con efficienza e in sicurezza
    Terzo ponte sul Bosforo, Istanbul - La soluzione PERI ha permesso di rispettare i requisiti tecnici in materia di flessibilità, finitura superficiale del calcestruzzo e precisione dimensionale

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    Highest concrete bridge pier in the world with PERI ACS self-climbing formwork

    In the north of the Turkish metropolis, the third and largest bridge is currently being built across the Bosphorus. The suspension bridge is supported by two A-shaped pylons and reaches a height of around 330 m thus making it one of the highest in the world. The construction of the upper area of the two piers is being carried out in 21 concreting sections, each 4.60 m.
    Le soluzioni digitali di PERI per il mondo delle costruzioni

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    PERI Apps make construction site operations easier

    PERI has developed resp. updated three of its helpful apps for formwork and scaffolding: Formwork Load Calculator, MULTIFLEX Configurator and ST 100 Stacking Tower Configurator are now available on the website featuring an extensive range of benefits.
    UTEC University Campus, Lima, Peru - With the help of the customized PERI formwork and scaffolding solution, a new campus complex is being realized in Lima – with high architectural requirements and a tight construction schedule.
    UTEC University Campus, Lima, Peru - The loads resulting from the parapets, beams and slabs are reliably transferred by means of PERI UP Rosett shoring, also over the distance of several storeys.
    UTEC University Campus, Lima, Peru - Flexible in three dimensions: the 25 cm modular grid of the PERI UP system allows optimum adaptability to suit the wide range of geometries and loads.

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    Grandstand-style campus realized in a short construction period

    With the help of a customized PERI formwork and scaffolding solution, a new university campus is being constructed in the capital of the South American country of Peru – complete with high architectural requirements as well as having to maintain a short construction period.
    Con i suoi 220 m la nuova torre del complesso Warsaw Spire diventerà, una volta completata, l’edificio più alto di Varsavia e sarà affiancata da due edifici destinati ad uffici, alti 55m.
    Warsaw Spire - Il sistema di casseforme a ripresa, studiato da PERI per adattarsi perfettamente al nucleo dell’edificio, rende possibile realizzare un ciclo di getto settimanale per ogni piano. Il paramento di protezione RCS, che avvolge il perimetro dei solai, garantisce alti livelli di sicurezza per le operazioni di cantiere a qualsiasi altezza ed in qualsiasi condizione metereologica.
    Warsaw Spire - Con la progettazione ad hoc della cassaforma per pareti VARIO GT 24, il team di cantiere è stata in grado di garantire un’elevate qualità delle superfici in particolare delle pareti ellittiche del core

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    A Varsavia, l'edificio più alto in Polonia

    Con i suoi 220 metri di altezza, diventerà l’edificio più alto di tutta la Polonia. Oltre che per altezza, la torre principale si distingue per la sua particolare forma architettonica. Per quest’opera PERI fornisce tutte le casseforme e le impalcature necessarie, contribuendo a rispettare gli stretti tempi previsti per la sua realizzazione.
    Capitol Hill Station, Seattle, USA - The VARIOKIT formwork carriage and HD 200 heavy-duty props were used for the construction of the new subway station in Seattle.
    Capitol Hill Station, Seattle, USA - PERI formwork carriage solution ensures savings on assembly time and expense.
    Capitol Hill Station, Seattle, USA - PERI TRIO, VARIO GT 24, SB Brace Frame, MULTIFLEX, MULTIPROP and PERI UP formwork and scaffold systems supplemented the comprehensive project solution.

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    System-based project solution saves time and money

    The formwork and scaffolding solution provided for the construction of the new subway station in Seattle was the result of competent engineering and a project-specific construction kit system. In addition to the widest possible use of rentable PERI system components, the optimized construction method in particular ensured significant time and cost savings.
    PERI press release - Family Business Career Day
    PERI press release - Family Business Career Day
    PERI press release - Family Business Career Day

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    Family businesses offer international career opportunities

    By arranging the Family Business Career Day we want, therefore, to inform candidates about the opportunities in our company and especially about potential positions around the world.
    Stanari Thermal Power Station, Doboj, Bosnia-Herzegovina - A total of 9 circular piers with 3.60 m diameters and 40 cm wall thicknesses will subsequently carry a steel platform for the condenser.